Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Property & Estate Law, PLC is a multi-practice firm in the Washington DC metropolitan area serving a wide array of clients from consumers in distress to big business owners. P&E will provide the expertise and advocacy that you need in the areas of immigration, real estate, business, estate planning and personal injury.

Our attorneys have been serving the American multicultural community for the last fifteen years and we offer legal services in Spanish without the need of an interpreter. We pride ourselves in our personal service to our clients.

Your attorney should be someone you trust and someone that you know will represent your best legal interests as well as give you practical advice for everyday business and personal problems. We will never agree to handle your case unless we have the competency and knowledge necessary to thoroughly and zealously represent you.

In our fast paced world you should not wait until troubled times to you find an attorney you trust. Call us for a free initial consultation

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