Getting In On Estate Sales
Many times there are ads in the local paper, and sometimes they can be found in online ads. It isn't farfetched for bidders to start getting to the venue a couple of hours before the start of the auction so that they can have a look at what is up for bids. Sometimes they are offered privately which means that a private person is the auctioneer and responsible for the sale. The remaining are public companies that deal with the auction and its regulations.
To be a part and bid, you need to be in attendance and have a way to pay for whatever you bid on. Public offerings take cash, credit cards or checks, and private owners normally will only take your cashier check or cash. When bidding starts, an auctioneer has to know that you are bidding.
Sometimes there are number cards given to each bidder so that it will be known that a bid is being made. The bidder holds up the card they are given when they want to place a bid, and it is marked for sale to that person unless another higher bid is then put on the item. When the auction is over, the person with the highest bid pays for their item and collects it.
If you want to find antiques Memphis holds great pieces of history. Some houses and plantations locally have been around for hundreds of years, and the occupants have no doubt held onto memorabilia from times long ago. Finding jewelry, trinkets and furniture representing past times is very common.
Jewelry always causes excitement for those that love antiques, so keeping a loupe on hand can mean seeing the difference between a lot of money or costume jewelry. Look at the specific markings because they will tell you the quality of the gems if any, as well as the origin and maker of the piece.
For more information on Memphis estate sales, there are numerous public companies that offer publications with information on when and where they are held. Although auction houses are quite popular, there are still plenty held at private homes. It is ideal to communicate with these companies to get a better understanding for the first time bidder.
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